The Utility model, the invention, patents ideas technical, inventions opening


Patent: 95935 from 09.06.2009 It is valid to 2019 Cellular phone with USB port Patent: 95863 from 15.06.2009 It is valid to 2019 Portable tele/radio tuner, projector, DVD recorder and video/photo camera
Patent: 97457 from 19.04.2010 It is valid to 2020 Bolt Patent: 96951 from 19.04.2010 It is valid to 2020 Navigator with Radar-detector
Patent: 98558 from 12.05.2010 It is valid to 2020 Hunting gun with a changeable rifled barrel Patent: 103167 from 15.10.2010 It is valid to 2020 The lampshade with a motion sensor
The demand in FSI FIIO: 2011103839/005307 from 04.02.2011 Wireless USB modem with the operating system The demand in FSI FIIO: 2011111642/017192 from 29.03.2011 The revolving elektrogenerator
The demand in FSI FIIO: 2011103839/005307 from 10.04.2012 Docking station for tablets The demand in FSI FIIO: 2013113884/020509 from 28.03.2013 Laptop-tablet
The demand in FSI FIIO: 2013140981/062522 from 06.09.2013 Laptop-Monitor The demand in FSI FIIO: 2013140980/062521 from 06.09.2013 A condom
The demand in FSI FIIO: 2013113882/020507 from 28.03.2013 A Helmet for a survival suit

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