Patent: 96951 from 19.04.2010 It is valid to 2020 Navigator with Radar-detectorThe Utility model forms a part of a personal navigation equipment which serves for orientation in the area, guiding on the route and can be used for video/audio recording, as well as warning about functioning speed-measuring radars/cameras on the route to a destination. There are a lot of GPS or GNSS (Global Navigational Satellite System), for instance CARMANI CX-230, which has among its functions - giving directions throughout the route, self-locating and other similar services, based on work of navigational chips, receivers. There are plenty of different radars-detektors which pick up the signals of speed-measuring radars and cameras and warn drivers of auto/motto vehicles about it. There also have appeared nowadays plenty of audio and video recording mini-equipment called recorders, which purpose is video/audio recording of a vehicle's ambiance. This equipment helps to find a guilty party in cases of disputable accidents on the road, briberies and blackmailing by the police representatives. Speaking about the technical advantage of this Utility model we should point out the possibility of the automatical recording of the information about vehicle's location and its speed at a proper time in case the vehicle gets into the zone of finctioning of speed measuring radars. The Utility model has a rectangular shape and consists of the frame, the sensor screen, the settings controlling buttons, functional modes and the phone, as well as different connectors for other additional equipment. The size of the Utility model and its screen can be different, as well as the material they are going to be made of, but it is not essential, neither the type of the operating system has much importance, but it requires to support all the applications necessary for functioning of all the devices integrated into the Utility model.
Integration of various devices into the Utility model allows us to increase the range of their functional opportunities. The Utility model (further referred to as UM) can be equipped with the functions which upon the antiradar's response could point out the definite location of a speed-measuring radar/camera on the map of the navigator. At the same time the audio/video recorder (videocamera) will turn on itself, recording the video images and the sound to get the proof of the legitimacy of actions of the policemen.
Inside the frame there will be located an antenna and an antiradar's receiver, a chip and a receiver of the navigational unit, a system of the audio and video recording equipment, as well as a cellular phone/modem. For good functioning of the operating system, navigation programs and other applications of any kind, a digital processor and a Flash memory card should be installed. Along with that a lithium charger will be located in the frame. There is a sensor screen in the frame of the Utility model. The size and the resolution of the screen are not of great importance as long as it is comfortable to work with the installed applications. On the back panel of the Utility model there will be located the lens of the photo/video camera and the compartment for a lithium battery. The specific volume of 1000-5000 milliampere/hour (mAh) per battery will be enough. Under it there will be a slot for a card of the phone/modem.
In the left panel of the Utility model there will be situated the inputs for the videocmera and the microphone to record the signals from them made by the recorder, there will be as well the input for the videosignal to connect, for example, the camera of rear view. When signalling this input, the screen will be showing the image, it is useful because when going in reverse direction one does not have to turn on the display himself but it would turn on itself automatically when having the signal from the rear view camera. The connectors should preferrably have the standard size, 3,5mm. The file manager of the operating system should work with the Flash Card without any limitations as well as working with USB carriers Flash, SSD and HDD. The best way would be if the recorder could record video and sound to the Flash Card. For videorecording the AVI format is universal, for sound - MP3, they are compact and give cualitative image and sound.
On the right panel of the Utility model there will be situated the outputs of the videosignal and audiosignal. The connectors should preferrably have the standard size, 3,5mm.
On the right side of the panel there will be situated a system's restart button RESET. It's important when the processor is weak. Along with that there will be a connector to connect with the side of the car, 12 W, for instance, via the cigarette lighter in the car, it should come together with the wire. The usage of the Utility model will allow its owner save money instead of buying several devices and get an opportunity to always have a PC replacement at hand which will let him resolve almost all office tasks, have access to the Internet and make voice phone calls. When the speed-measuring radar goes off or upon pressing the button "turn on the videocamera", there will be the video and audio recording turned on, displaying on the screen the coordinates, time within the time zone and speed of the vehicle. It will be an essential proof for the police in case of a car accident. The Formula of the Utility model The navigation equipment warning a driver about functioning and the location of a speed measuring radar, having a frame containing a navigational unit which consists of the loudspeaker, the system of video and audio recording equipment and the radar-detektor. The Summary The shape, size, weight and the price of the Utility model can be reduced signficantly if you do not install some of the functions. The main thing is to unify the navigator and radar-detektor. |